20230228 Scientific Board Meeting Minutes

20230228 Scientific Board Meeting Minutes


Darren, Flavio, Hilde, Ingo, Jared, Wendy


Simon, Wolfgang


1. Admin

a.       Hackathon (Ingo)

The recruitment for the DDI Hackathon to be organized 24th to 25th March, in Gothenburg, after the RDA Plenary in Gothenburg is going well. Participants from a various countries and institution types will take part in this and we are looking much forward to the outcome.

b.       RDA activities in March

In connection with the RDA plenary other DDI related events will additionally take place:

  • A CDIF – Cross Domain Interoperability Framework where DDI-CDI plays an important part will be organized on Monday March 20th.

  • DDI-CDI event will take place on Friday 24th of March.

  • In addition DDI-CDI Working group meetings will take place on Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd .

2. Scientific Board Contacts

a.       New contact for the XKOS group

A new contact for the XKOS group is needed after Carsten leaving the Scientific Board due to job change. This agenda point was not addressed at the meeting.

b.       Paradata group

The goal of this group for the year is to publish a related paper. The group is not currently active otherwise. Hilde will follow up with the chair David regarding activities of the group.

3. Final review of the 2023 Scientific Work Plan

The Scientific Work Plan for 2023 was approved by the Scientific Board. The plan contains only minor changes to the 2021 – 2022 Scientific Work Plan.

4. Documents review

Two documents related to the Scientific Work Plan has also been approved:

  • Scientific Board Operational Guidelines v1, developed by Ingo

  • Development and Review Processes for DDI Standards and Official Technical Documents v2, developed by the TC and reviewed by the Scientific Board. There was some discussion regarding members voting rules for products, on whether there should be different voting rules for new products and new versions of existing products. It was agreed to have the same rules for both, a quorum of 35% and a simple majority vote (50% or more ‘Yes votes’).

5. SB Tasks in the work plan: Follow-up by SB representatives for collaborative tasks.

This agenda point was not addressed.

6. Agenda for Scientific Community meeting

We plan to organize a meeting for the Scientific Community on March 28. An agenda for the meeting was approved by the members present. As only three voting members were present when this was agreed, an email was sent out to the members of the Scientific Board, and post meeting a majority consent for the agenda has been achieved.