20231114 Scientific Board Meeting Minutes

20231114 Scientific Board Meeting Minutes


Dan (on phone), Darren, Hilde, Jared, Flavio, Wendy, Wolfgang, 


Ingo, Simon

1. Admin 

The SB will contribute to the DDI Alliance Newsletter

2. Scientific Work Plan, next steps (Darren and Hilde)

Work is ongoing, a draft Strategic Plan would be helpful.

3. Annual meeting of the Scientific Board (Wolfgang and Hilde)

The EB will organize its annual meeting virtually, and possibly a community gathering in Halifax in the margins of IASSIST. We need to decide about our own annual meeting and whether to organize a physical meeting. Wolfgang and Jared are in touch with the Halifax organisers and we need to decide whether we would like to organize something around IASSIST. A room for 50 and WiFi but no videoconference facilities are available in Halifax. 

  • Annual meeting - virtual or not?

Desicion: Only virtually and coordinate with the EB (Jared to coordinate).

  • Scientific Community meeting in the margins of IASSIST?

Desicion: It was decides not to organise a community meeting in Halifax, but we would like to be present and do something else. Wolfgang will take the lead to organise. Session submission deadline November 22.

Jared willl send a unified EB and SB response to IASSIST organisers. The SB will organise some other activity.

  • An alternative meeting venue could be the CESSDA conference June 6th in Split - 2-3 days.

Desicion: Darren to check this  

4. Planning of content for our presentation at the event ‘Envisioning the Future of DDI in the Metadata Landscape’ at EDDI, see 15th European DDI Users Conference, Ljubljana .

Jared, Jon and have started to plan the event.

Ideas for SB slides

  • DDI products and their role in the standards landscape

  • Our Working Groups and what they are doing

  • SB focus looking forward

Ideas for SB questions to audience

  • Important focus points for the scientific and technical work of the DDI Alliance in the next years?

  • What would you like to learn more about?

  • Are you interested to join a working group? – Which one(s)?


It has been suggested we use Menti and that’s ok but cannot be the only form of communication. Also benefit from a face to face discussion with people that are physically in the room.

Wolfgang: For new users - show the website and mention examples?

Jared: We would like feedback on directions. Highlighting website - Jared can show 1-2 slides.

5. UNECE Contact

Proposal by Flavio and Arofan:

Needed Skills:

  • Familiarity with DDI work products, especially DDI Lifecycle, XKOS, DDI-CDI

  • Familiarity with GSIM, SDMX, VTL, GSBPM, CSDA, CSPA

  • Knowledge of statistical production and dissemination in official statistics settings

  • Understanding of the broader dynamics related to DDI within official statistics for reuse within research (demographics, SDGs, secure data centers, etc.)



  • Communicate official statistics requirements to the DDI community/SB

  • Raise awareness of the work within the DDI Alliance as it might be useful for the OS community moving forward

  • Assist in the alignment of DDI with other relevant standards (DDI - SDMX mappings, etc.)

  • Identify opportunities for collaboration between the DDI community and official statistics

  • Coordinate capacity building around DDI with the Alliance and official statistical organizations

  • Attendance at and presentations regarding DDI at official stats conferences and meetings

Comment: Succession: Train/Bring someone(s) into the position

Decision: Proposal agreed - Arofan has the role of the UNECE contact.

Flavio has a formal role. Collaboration between Flavio and Arofan - multilateral communication. A 3 hours meeting before COSMOS will take place. DDI-CDI will have an own meeting before COSMOS. Arofan to take part in all meetings? SDMX, SDTL, VTL and DDI to be discussed.

Wendy: We need to work out processes for the collaboration.




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