20230912 Scientific Board Meeting Minutes

20230912 Scientific Board Meeting Minutes


Dan, Darren, Flavio, Hilde, Jared, Wendy, Wolfgang


Ingo, Simon

1. Admin

EB: Jon and Steve elected as chair and vice-chair. There should be quarterly communication calls with Hilde/Darren.

Training group: The group needs more clarity on mission and goals. Jared describes that a meeting with Alina, Hayley and other SB members would be helpful. Topics would be:

  •  finding new chairs 

  •  updating the working group charge and purpose 

  • clarifying processes to improve efficiencies  

Jared, Darren, and Flavio will find a meeting time this Friday.

2. Updates on UNECE contact and Training materials review (Flavio)

Flavio will talk to Arofan about the UNECE contact role.

3. Planning of Bergen meeting – suggestions for topics and tasks

Ideas of Hilde and Darren follow below:

  1. Scientific Work Plan 2024 – 2026, Including roadmap

  2. Increase adoption of DDI

  3. Improve communication within the DDI Alliance, Relationship with WGs and Standing Committee. Different kinds of WGs. How start new groups, describe how groups should work. Support for product groups etc. Roles of SB contact - evaluate how things are going.

  4. Annual meeting 2024 - location

  5. Practicals

4. AOB

Darren, Hilde, Jared to prepare agenda. Discussion points. Expected outcomes.

Links from Darren - produce lightweight of this: https://www.ukri.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/ESRC-090622-DataInfrastructureStrategy2022To2027.pdf
